
Troubleshooting Your Order's Issue

We Can't find your account

We are having difficulty sending your order because the username provided could not be found. Please check that the username is correct and try again. Submit your link in one of the recommended formats below.

TikTok account


Twitter username highlighted in red

We Can't find your link

We are having difficulty processing your order because the link provided could not be found or is not directed to a post.

    Things to consider:

  • Make sure the account is public.
  • Does the link go to a post?
  • Is the link broken?
  • Is the post available or has it been deleted?

TikTok Post Link

Private or protected account

We are having difficulty sending your order because the account provided is private or protected. We can only deliver our services to public accounts. Please make your account public while we deliver your order. Once your order is completely delivered, you can make your account private again.

TikTok Unprotected/Protected


TikTok profile is public


TikTok profile is private