track order

Track Order

Real time order tracking made for our valuable customers with love

Order Number

Track Now

To Track Your Order, following is the process:

  • Please enter your Order, ID e.g. 163700006111
  • “You can find out your order ID on the Payment Invoice email that is sent to you right after placing the order. If you have not received your Payment Invoice, please contact us with your TikTok username.”

  • All tracking information is LIVE and in sync with our systems. You will have the status results within a minute.
  • You will see multiple pop-ups:
    • Start Count indicates when your order was started.
    • Remains will show the remaining order.
    • Status will show whether it’s completed, running, pending, or canceled for some reason.
  • We have an advanced and updated algorithm since 2022 that ensures your order has been completely delivered. The system will automatically start refilling if it detects any drops.